Anthony Gotz SC has been an advocate at the Johannesburg Bar for more than 20 years. He was admitted to the Johannesburg Society of Advocates (the JSA) in July 2001. He took Silk in July 2019.

Prior to joining the Bar, Anthony was a clerk to Justice Didcott as well as to Justice Chaskalson at the Constitutional Court. He worked for two years at the Centre of Applied Legal Studies in the AIDS Law Project. He also completed articles and practised as an attorney at Webber Wentzel Bowens.

He holds BA (Honours) and LLB degrees from the University of the Witwatersrand. His principal areas of practice are competition, administrative, media and general commercial law. Anthony was nominated to be a Director of ProBono.Org by the JSA’s Human Rights Committee (the HRC). It is hoped that his appointment will foster a closer working relationship between the organisation and the Johannesburg Bar. Historical ties between the Bar and ProBono.Org have been ad hoc, at best, and there is much scope for collaboration to the benefit of both in the future.

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