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On 14 August 2013 ProBono.Org held its 5th annual Women’s Day Focus at the Constitution Hill. The event was tremendously successful. Thanks to the gracious contribution of time provided by everyone involved, ninety one women were able to gain access to legal advice that they may not otherwise have been able to seek due to their distressed economic position.The aim of the event was to provide women with pro bono legal advice and assistance and to educate them on a relevant topic of the law. Clients began arriving for registration at around 08h30. While they waited to consult with the attorneys they had an opportunity to interact with various NGOs that were invited to publicise their services. This year the following NGos attended:

  • Sonke Gender Justice Unit
  • Legal Aid South Africa
  • The Family Life Centre (FAMSA)
  • Community Life Network
  • Blacksash