Budget Vote speech by Minister JT Radebe,Minister Justice and Constitutional Development, National Assembly Parliament.

7 Jun 2011

Mr Speaker/Madam Deputy Speaker,
Honourable Members,
Chief Justice and members of the Judiciary,
Heads of the constitutional institutions,
Distinguished guests,
Comrades and friends,
Ladies and gentlemen

It is with honour and privilege, that I am afforded this opportunity to present to you the Budget of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, for the coming year. But firstly, allow me to pay tribute to one of the heroines of the liberation struggle. The sudden and very sad passing on of the African National Congress (ANC) struggle veteran u Mama u Nontsikelelo Albertina Sisulu, took all of us by surprise, just weeks after she had cast her vote during the recent local government elections. May her selfless fighting spirit inspire all of us in our endeavour to ensure access to justice to all our people.