By Margaret Fish.


For the past eleven years ProBono.Org, in association with the Constitution Hill Trust and Norton Rose Fulbright SA, has had a fortnightly half hour slot on Radio Today dealing with aspects of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Patrick Bracher of Norton Rose Fulbright SA has been the gracious and able host of the show during its lifespan, leading our expert guests in conversation on a wide range of topics, such as media freedom, consumer and labour law, creative rights, the right to protest, land and education rights, among many others.

When we learnt in August that the station was moving from Parktown North to North Riding it was apparent that it would be difficult for both our guests and Patrick to drive out there in rush hour for the programme to air live at 18h30. Our last programme was therefore aired on 27 September. We are most grateful to Patrick for his dedication to the programme over the years. Many thanks also to our many willing and engaging guests, to Jacky Kanapi at Radio Today and to the station itself for hosting this programme. Podcasts of all the topics aired on the programme are available on our Facebook page.


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