As part of ProBono. Org’s arrangement with IIE Varsity College (VC), we are providing their final year law students with a week of practical experience in our Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town offices.

From 26 to 29 July the Johannesburg office hosted ten students from the IIE MSA and the Pretoria campus of Varsity College. Here is some of the feedback they provided us with following their experience:

“ProBono.Org not only offered us a practical experience in the field of law, but also a rich and stimulating insight into the history of our country as the offices are situated in close proximity to the Constitutional Court, which itself is built on a history that carries great symbolism.

We were exposed to ProBono.Org’s work in Family Law, Labour Law, Refugee and Property Law and deceased estates law. We learnt that ProBono.Org offers a vital service in ensuring that all persons have the right to access legal assistance as per section 34 of the Constitution and experienced the significant role played by private legal practitioners who provide assistance through the various legal clinics.

During our time at ProBono.Org we were tasked with completing client intake forms, we sat in on consultations for the clinics while taking notes of each case and had engaging discussions with the legal practitioners who were staffing the clinics to understand the process for each case.

We would like to thank ProBono.Org for the opportunity to understand the legal field from a different perspective to that of the corporate legal environment. Your passion for helping those who do not have a voice to speak in law is beyond inspiring. Matthew Coppin, IIE MSA student.

“The staff and colleagues I encountered while working at ProBono.Org was by far the best part of the whole experience as it was great to meet all the people that dedicate their lives to helping others and other aspiring legal practitioners”.

Daniel Booysen, Varsity College Pretoria Campus

“Those four days at ProBono.Org were great. Helping real people was incredibly fulfilling. Despite the harsh reality we had to face when hearing all the different stories of desperate people’s lives, knowing an organisation like ProBono.Org is there trying to bring justice to those in most need was uplifting.”

Kyle Garrett, Varsity College Pretoria Campus

“The ProBono.Org staff were polite and always willing to help. This experience taught me how to work with clients and how to deal with emotional cases, what to say and what not to say in those circumstances. I thank you all for the experience.”

Darren Viljoen, Varsity College Pretoria Campus

“VIsiting the Constitutional Court was certainly my highlight! Experiencing the more practical side of law by personally sitting in consultations between attorneys and clients and consulting with clients ourselves was both intriguing and educational. All the employees at ProBono.Org received us with open arms and treated us with the utmost respect and kindness. The process of helping people who need legal services and cannot afford them was eyeopening as to how much more we can do as future legal practitioners to contribute towards making the law accessible to all.“

Hennie Jonker, Varsity College Pretoria Campus

“During my time at ProBono.Org, I was exposed to the often raw realities facing many of my fellow South Africans. I realised that without the work done by ProBono.Org, all these desperate individuals would have nowhere to turn. The staff at ProBono.Org are concerned with change. After my short experience, I plan to return to ProBono. Org as often as possible once a qualified legal practitioner.”

Sian Towlson, IIE MSA

“The experience I gained at ProBono.Org is one I will never forget. I remember going in there not knowing what to expect and leaving with such an appreciation for the work being accomplished. I wish every law student could experience what I did Staff News We welcome a new staff member to our Johannesburg office there. Thank you for exposing us to a different side of law.”

Micaela Nunes, IIE MSA

“I did not fully understand from a practical aspect what practising in this field of law actually meant. After my week spent at ProBono.Org, I now feel as though I have more clarity regarding the lives you will touch, and the good you can contribute in a society that is in need of so much help.”

Lebohang Maboa, IIE MSA

“ProBono.Org was a life changing experience; it challenged my moral compass and tilted me in a direction where I never thought I would be going. I have been motivated to push myself in my studies in the hopes that one day I may work in a firm that has a pro bono department.”

Calvin Dos Ramos.

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