Department of Justice and Constitutional Development

The justice and constitutional development minister, Jeff Radebe, has expressed his desire that the Legal Practice Bill be tabled in Parliament before the end of this year.

He revealed this in a written reply to a parliamentary question.

The minister added that he hoped that deliberations on the bill could commence “in earnest” at the start of the 2012 parliamentary year.

He confirmed that the bill was currently with the chief state law adviser for certification.

“It is hoped that the certification process will be finalised soon, where-after the bill will be introduced into Parliament”.

Cabinet approved the bill for tabling in Parliament in December 2010.

The minister pointed out that, since then, continuous interaction with the legal profession has taken place to find common ground on certain aspects of the bill.

The proposed legislation aims to put a framework in place that facilitates the transformation and restructuring of the legal profession.


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