by PB-M-Admin | Jun 17, 2011 | LEGAL PRACTICE BILL, News
Legal Practice Bill to be Tabled Within Days 2011-06-10 Department of Justice and Constitutional Development The deputy minister of justice and constitutional development, Andries Nel, has confirmed that the Legal Practice Bill will be tabled in Parliament within the...
by PB-M-Admin | Jun 14, 2011 | LEGAL PRACTICE BILL, News
Budget Vote speech by Minister JT Radebe,Minister Justice and Constitutional Development, National Assembly Parliament. 7 Jun 2011 Mr Speaker/Madam Deputy Speaker, Honourable Members, Chief Justice and members of the Judiciary, Heads of the constitutional...
by PB-M-Admin | May 30, 2011 | LEGAL PRACTICE BILL, News
26 May 2011 Via e-mail Mr L Bassett Department of Justice and Constitutional Development Pretoria Dear Mr Bassett REPRESENTATIONS: LEGAL PRACTICE BILL We attach hereto the submissions by the Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) on the most recent...
by PB-M-Admin | May 28, 2011 | LEGAL PRACTICE BILL, News
Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, Jeff Radebe, used the opportunity of the opening address of the 2011 annual general meeting of the Law Society of South africa (LSS) to call on the legal profession to take responsibility for its role in...
by PB-M-Admin | Apr 15, 2011 | LEGAL PRACTICE BILL, News
The future of our profession hangs in the balance and the Legal Practice Bill (‘LPB’) must remain the focus of my contribution to Advocate. I suspect that it will continue to enjoy that focus in future issues as well because I am of the view that every member must be...
by PB-M-Admin | May 20, 2010 | LEGAL PRACTICE BILL, News
Your Excellency, President HasimKiliç, the President of the Turkish Constitutional Court and the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACCEI), your Excellencıes Presıdents and Chıef Justıces of Constıtutıonal Courts and Equıvalent...